15 September 1999

This is a PPC/CFM68K shared library for MacOS. Please refer to the original
README (below) for an explanation of changes from previous versions.

Installation: unpack this distribution using Chris Nandor's 'untargzipme'
utility, and then drop the folder on the 'installme' droplet.

Alternatively, if you use Stuffit Expander, you will have to unbin the shared
library as a separate step (located in folders
:blib:lib:MacPPC:auto:Unicode:Map8 and :blib:lib:MacCFM68K:auto:Unicode:Map8).

***** IMPORTANT *****

All 170-odd encoding files in the Unicode:Map8:maps folder are stuffed into a
Dropstuff .sit.hqx archive. Just take this beast and drag it onto Stuffit
Expander, and you should get a "maps" folder containing a variety of ".bin"
files, which are NOT MacBinary files.


If manually installing, copy the entire folder :blib:lib:Unicode into your 'site_perl'
folder, and place the required shared library into folder
:site_perl:MacPPC:auto:Unicode:Map8 or :site_perl:MacCFM68K:auto:Unicode:Map8.

A complete printout of the build, and subsequent testing, is included in the file

Modifications: Unix->MacOS path separator hacking in Map8.pm, and using something
other than a filename dependent on the process ID $$ in the test map8.t.

For bug reports on *this build* please contact me, Arved Sandstrom, at




The Unicode::Map8 class implement efficient mapping tables between
8-bit character sets and 16 bit character sets like Unicode.  About
170 different mapping tables between various known character sets and
Unicode is distributed with this package.  The source of these tables
is the vendor mapping tables provided by Unicode, Inc. and the code
tables in RFC 1345.  New maps can easily be installed.

By coincidence Martin Schwartz created a similar module at the same
time I did.  His module is called Unicode::Map and should be available
on CPAN too.  Both modules now support a unified interface.  Martin's
module will be depreciated in the future.

Since UTF8 support is coming to Perl soon, there might be good reasons
to move this module in the direction of mapping to/from UTF8.  I will
probably do so, once the Unicode support in the Perl core settle.


   require Unicode::Map8;
   $no_map = Unicode::Map8->new("ISO646-NO") || die;
   $l1_map = Unicode::Map8->new("WinLatin1") || die;

   my $ustr = $no_map->to16("V}re norske tegn b|r {res\n");
   my $lstr = $l1_map->to8($ustr);
   print $lstr;

   print $l1_map->recode8($no_map, $lstr);


I recommend that you first install the Unicode-String Perl
module. Once this is accomplished you just perform the usual steps:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


The following character sets have mapping tables distributed with this

   ANSI_X3.110-1983 CSA_T500-1983 NAPLPS iso-ir-99
   ANSI_X3.4-1968 ANSI_X3.4-1986 ASCII IBM367 ISO646-US ISO_646.irv:1991 US-ASCII cp367 iso-ir-6 us
   ASMO_449 ISO_9036 arabic7 iso-ir-89
   Adobe-Standard adobe-standard
   Adobe-Symbol adobe-symbol
   Adobe-Zapf-Dingbats adobe-zapf-dingbats
   BS_4730 ISO646-GB gb iso-ir-4 uk
   BS_viewdata iso-ir-47
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-1 ISO646-CA ca csa7-1 iso-ir-121
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-2 ISO646-CA2 csa7-2 iso-ir-122
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr iso-ir-123
   CSN_369103 iso-ir-139
   DEC-MCS dec
   DIN_66003 ISO646-DE de iso-ir-21
   DS_2089 DS2089 ISO646-DK dk
   ECMA-cyrillic iso-ir-111
   ES ISO646-ES iso-ir-17
   ES2 ISO646-ES2 iso-ir-85
   GB_1988-80 ISO646-CN cn iso-ir-57
   GOST_19768-74 ST_SEV_358-88 iso-ir-153
   IBM037 cp037 ebcdic-cp-ca ebcdic-cp-nl ebcdic-cp-us ebcdic-cp-wt
   IBM038 EBCDIC-INT cp038
   IBM1026 CP1026
   IBM273 CP273
   IBM275 EBCDIC-BR cp275
   IBM278 CP278 ebcdic-cp-fi ebcdic-cp-se
   IBM280 CP280 ebcdic-cp-it
   IBM281 EBCDIC-JP-E cp281
   IBM284 CP284 ebcdic-cp-es
   IBM285 CP285 ebcdic-cp-gb
   IBM290 EBCDIC-JP-kana cp290
   IBM297 cp297 ebcdic-cp-fr
   IBM420 cp420 ebcdic-cp-ar1
   IBM424 cp424 ebcdic-cp-he
   IBM437 437 cp437
   IBM500 CP500 ebcdic-cp-be ebcdic-cp-ch
   IBM850 850 cp850
   IBM851 851 cp851
   IBM852 852 cp852
   IBM855 855 cp855
   IBM857 857 cp857
   IBM860 860 cp860
   IBM861 861 cp-is cp861
   IBM862 862 cp862
   IBM863 863 cp863
   IBM864 cp864
   IBM865 865 cp865
   IBM868 CP868 cp-ar
   IBM869 869 cp-gr cp869
   IBM870 CP870 ebcdic-cp-roece ebcdic-cp-yu
   IBM871 CP871 ebcdic-cp-is
   IBM880 EBCDIC-Cyrillic cp880
   IBM891 cp891
   IBM903 cp903
   IBM904 904 cp904
   IBM905 CP905 ebcdic-cp-tr
   IBM918 CP918 ebcdic-cp-ar2
   IEC_P27-1 iso-ir-143
   INIS iso-ir-49
   INIS-8 iso-ir-50
   INIS-cyrillic iso-ir-51
   ISO_10367-box iso-ir-155
   ISO_2033-1983 e13b iso-ir-98
   ISO_5427 ISO_5427:1981 iso-ir-37 iso-ir-54
   ISO_5428 ISO_5428:1980 iso-ir-55
   ISO_646.basic ISO_646.basic:1983 ref
   ISO_646.irv ISO_646.irv:1983 irv iso-ir-2
   ISO_6937-2-25 iso-ir-152
   ISO_6937-2-add iso-ir-142
   ISO_8859-1 8859-1 CP819 IBM819 ISO-8859-1 ISO_8859-1:1987 iso-ir-100 iso8859-1 l1 latin1
   ISO_8859-2 8859-2 ISO-8859-2 ISO_8859-2:1987 iso-ir-101 iso8859-2 l2 latin2
   ISO_8859-3 8859-3 ISO-8859-3 ISO_8859-3:1988 iso-ir-109 iso8859-3 l3 latin3
   ISO_8859-4 8859-4 ISO-8859-4 ISO_8859-4:1988 iso-ir-110 iso8859-4 l4 latin4
   ISO_8859-5 8859-5 ISO-8859-5 ISO_8859-5:1988 cyrillic iso-ir-144 iso8859-5
   ISO_8859-6 8859-6 ASMO-708 ECMA-114 ISO-8859-6 ISO_8859-6:1987 arabic iso-ir-127 iso8859-6
   ISO_8859-7 8859-7 ECMA-118 ELOT_928 ISO-8859-7 ISO_8859-7:1987 greek greek8 iso-ir-126 iso8859-7
   ISO_8859-8 8859-8 ISO-8859-8 ISO_8859-8:1988 hebrew iso-ir-138 iso8859-8
   ISO_8859-9 8859-9 ISO-8859-9 ISO_8859-9:1989 iso-ir-148 iso8859-9 l5 latin5
   ISO_8859-supp iso-ir-154 latin1-2-5
   IT ISO646-IT iso-ir-15
   JIS_C6220-1969-jp JIS_C6220-1969 iso-ir-13 katakana x0201-7
   JIS_C6220-1969-ro ISO646-JP iso-ir-14 jp
   JIS_C6229-1984-a iso-ir-91 jp-ocr-a
   JIS_C6229-1984-b ISO646-JP-OCR-B iso-ir-92 jp-ocr-b
   JIS_C6229-1984-b-add iso-ir-93 jp-ocr-b-add
   JIS_C6229-1984-hand iso-ir-94 jp-ocr-hand
   JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add iso-ir-95 jp-ocr-hand-add
   JIS_C6229-1984-kana iso-ir-96
   JIS_X0201 X0201
   JUS_I.B1.002 ISO646-YU iso-ir-141 js yu
   JUS_I.B1.003-mac iso-ir-147 macedonian
   JUS_I.B1.003-serb iso-ir-146 serbian
   KSC5636 ISO646-KR
   Latin-greek-1 iso-ir-27
   MSZ_7795.3 ISO646-HU hu iso-ir-86
   NATS-DANO iso-ir-9-1
   NATS-DANO-ADD iso-ir-9-2
   NATS-SEFI iso-ir-8-1
   NATS-SEFI-ADD iso-ir-8-2
   NC_NC00-10 ISO646-CU NC_NC00-10:81 cuba iso-ir-151
   NF_Z_62-010 ISO646-FR ISO646-FR1 NF_Z_62-010_(1973) fr iso-ir-25 iso-ir-69
   NS_4551-1 ISO646-NO iso-ir-60 no
   NS_4551-2 ISO646-NO2 iso-ir-61 no2
   PT ISO646-PT iso-ir-16
   PT2 ISO646-PT2 iso-ir-84
   SEN_850200_B FI ISO646-FI ISO646-SE iso-ir-10 se
   SEN_850200_C ISO646-SE2 iso-ir-11 se2
   T.101-G2 iso-ir-128
   T.61-7bit iso-ir-102
   T.61-8bit T.61 iso-ir-103
   cp037 IBMUSCanada
   cp10000 MacRoman
   cp10006 MacGreek
   cp10007 MacCyrillic
   cp10029 MacLatin2
   cp10079 MacIcelandic
   cp10081 MacTurkish
   cp1026 IBMLatin5Turkish
   cp1250 WinLatin2
   cp1251 WinCyrillic
   cp1252 WinLatin1
   cp1253 WinGreek
   cp1254 WinTurkish
   cp1255 WinHebrew
   cp1256 WinArabic
   cp1257 WinBaltic
   cp1258 WinVietnamese
   cp437 DOSLatinUS
   cp500 IBMInternational
   cp737 DOSGreek
   cp775 DOSBaltRim
   cp850 DOSLatin1
   cp852 DOSLatin2
   cp855 DOSCyrillic
   cp857 DOSTurkish
   cp860 DOSPortuguese
   cp861 DOSIcelandic
   cp862 DOSHebrew
   cp863 DOSCanadaF
   cp864 DOSArabic
   cp865 DOSNordic
   cp866 DOSCyrillicRussian
   cp866lr DOSCyrillicLatvian
   cp869 DOSGreek2
   cp874 DOSThai
   cp875 IBMGreek
   greek-ccitt iso-ir-150
   greek7 iso-ir-88
   greek7-old iso-ir-18
   hp-roman8 r8 roman8
   latin-greek iso-ir-19
   latin-lap iso-ir-158 lap
   latin6 iso-ir-157 l6
   macintosh mac
   videotex-suppl iso-ir-70


  © 1998-1999 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.