
Object::Generic is class that allows an object to contain 
key/value pairs which are set and accessed through an interface 
similar to that of Class::DBI, namely
 get:  $object->key           or   $object->get('key')
 set:  $object->key('value')  or   $object->set(key => 'value')

All of these methods are AUTOHANDLE'd on the first invocation,
and an appropriate subroutine created for subsequent calls.
By default any key may be used; however, one can define a list
of allowed keys.

A related class Object::Generic::False allows method chaining 
without generating errors.  An expression like $object->this->that->those 
returns an instance of Object::Generic::False and evaluates 
false (assuming one of the keys 'this', 'that', 'those' has not been set).

And since I use this for web development along with Class::DBI, 
there's a companion package Object::Generic::Session with 
a similar interface which inherits from Session.pm, 
putting its keys and values into a disk file or SQL database.
Since that piece has more dependencies (Apache::Cookie, Session.pm),
I've pulled it out into a seperate package.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install


Copyright (C) 2005 Jim Mahoney (mahoney@marlboro.edu)

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.