NAME XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB VERSION 0.06 DESCRIPTION Those who are looking into the XML data binding framework may benefit from this module. Especially those people who tired of refactoring their XML/XPath code every time their namespace change or some part of their schema have changed. Ok, I lied. It binds RelaxNG Compact schema [] but I will use XML term since there are several very easy ways to translate your XML schema into the RNGC and most modern open source schema developments are centered on RNGC rather than XML). This is XML RelaxNG compact data binding framework. For any RelaxNG compact schema represented as perl data structures it will create the tree of perl classes. Basicaly it binds every element from the XML (RelaxNG compact) schema into corresponded perl object. It uses XML::LibXML for actual XML document parsing where validation is provided by the API unmarshalling process. It supports namspaces, of course. It automatically creates helper modules and test suit as well. The syntax of the data model language allows to include direct mappings from the XML schema to SQL database table entries. Please see XML::RelaxNG::Compact::DataModel for more information. This module is not pretending to be a YetAnotherOne POE + ORM on steroids. It just does what was outlined above. It utilizes Perl::Critic and perltidy to insure that it creates uniform, highly supportable and extendable API. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB You can also look for information at: ./doc/ folder ./examples/ folder AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation CPAN Ratings Search CPAN TODO use LibXML RelaxNG schema parsing abilites to eliminate need for perl data structures Use PPI module from CPAN to create API in more OO cleaner way and provide better support for users's schema callbacks COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Fermi Reasearch Alliance (FRA) You should have received a copy of the Fermitools license with this software. If not, see <> AUTHOR Maxim Grigoriev, <maxim |AT|>