# createsend-perl [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/campaignmonitor/createsend-perl.png)][travis]
A Perl library for the [Campaign Monitor API](http://www.campaignmonitor.com/api/)

[travis]: http://travis-ci.org/campaignmonitor/createsend-perl

## Installation and usage

Download and install using CPAN, e.g.

    cpan Net::CampaignMonitor

Include the module in the required script and initialise using your API key: 	

    use Net::CampaignMonitor;
    my $cm = Net::CampaignMonitor->new({
                  api_key => 'abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234',
                  secure  => 1,
                  timeout => 300,

All methods return a hash containing the Campaign Monitor response code, the headers and the actual response.

    my %results = (
                code     => '',
                response => '',
                headers  => ''

Samples for each of the methods and further documentation is available on CPAN or perldocs, e.g.

    perldoc Net::CampaignMonitor

## Contributing
1. Fork the repository
2. Make your changes, including tests for your changes.
3. Ensure that the build passes, by running:

    export CAMPAIGN_MONTIOR_API_KEY={Your API key to use for running the tests}
    cpanm --quiet --installdeps --notest .
    perl Makefile.PL && make test

    CI runs on: `5.10`, `5.12`, `5.14`, and `5.16`.

4. It should go without saying, but do not increment the version number in your commits.
5. Submit a pull request.