NAME Algorithm::Heapify::XS - Perl extension for supplying simple heap primitives for arrays. SYNOPSIS use Algorithm::Heapify::XS qw(max_heapify max_heap_shift); my @array= (1..10); max_heapify(@array); while (defined(my $top= max_heap_shift(@array))) { print $top; } DESCRIPTION A heap is an array based data structure where the array is treated as a balanced tree of items where each item obeys a given inequality constraint with its parent and children, but not with its siblings. This allows it to be put into "nearly" sorted order more efficiently than an actual sort would. This data structure has a number of nice properties: a) the tree does not require "child" pointers, but instead infers parent/child relationships from their position in the array. The parent of a node i is defined to reside in position int((i-1)/2), and the left and right children of a node i reside in position (i*2+1) and (i*2+2) respectively. b) "heapifying" an array is O(N) as compared to N * log2(N) for a typical sort. c) Accessing the top item is O(1), and removing it from the array is O(log(N)). d) Inserting a new item into the heap is O(log(N)) This means that for applications that need find only the top K of an array can do it faster than sorting the array, and there is no need for wrapper objects to represent the tree. INTERFACE All operations are in-place on the array passed as an argument, and all require that the appropriate "heapify" (either max_heapify or min_heapify) operation has been called on the array first. Typically they return the "top" of the heap after the operation has been performed, with the exception of the "shift" operation which returns the "top" of the heap before removing it. Currently there is no support for supplying a sort comparator akin to sort(), instead you should define an overloaded <=> operator if you wish to change the sort order. The ordering is expected to be *numeric*, if you wish to sort words you should use objects with overloading. EXPORT None by default. All exports must be requested, or you can use ":all" to import then all. SUBS $max= max_heapify(@array) $min= min_heapify(@array) $max= maxstr_heapify(@array) $min= minstr_heapify(@array) These subs "heapify" the array and return its "top" (min/max) value. Prior use of the appropriate one of these subs is required to use all the other subs offered by this package. $max= max_heap_shift(@array) $min= min_heap_shift(@array) $max= maxstr_heap_shift(@array) $min= minstr_heap_shift(@array) Return and remove the "top" (min/max) value from a heapified array while maintain the arrays heap-order. $max= max_heap_push(@array) $min= min_heap_push(@array) $max= maxstr_heap_push(@array) $min= minstr_heap_push(@array) Insert an item into a heapified array while maintaining the arrays heap-order, and return the resulting "top" (min/max) value. $max= max_heap_adjust_top(@array) $max= min_heap_adjust_top(@array) $max= maxstr_heap_adjust_top(@array) $max= minstr_heap_adjust_top(@array) If the weight of the top item in a heapified array ($array[0]) has changed, this function will adjust its position in the tree, and return the resulting new "top" (min/max) value. $max= max_heap_adjust_item(@array,$idx) $max= min_heap_adjust_item(@array,$idx) $max= maxstr_heap_adjust_item(@array,$idx) $max= minstr_heap_adjust_item(@array,$idx) If the weight of a specific item in a heapified array has changed, this function will adjust its position in the tree, and return the resulting new "top" (min/max) value. If $idx is outside the array does nothing. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module is implemented in XS, and requires a working C compiler and Perl build tools environment to build. SEE ALSO CPAN - There are other heap packages with different interfaces if you don't like this one. AUTHOR Yves Orton, <demerph@(that google thingee)> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2018 by Yves Orton This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.