--- abstract: 'PRANG implementation of the XML SRS protocol' author: - 'Catalyst SRS Team <team-srs@catalyst.net.nz>' build_requires: ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.42 XML::Compare: 0.02 configure_requires: ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.42 distribution_type: module generated_by: 'Module::Install version 0.95' license: artistic meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html version: 1.4 name: XML-SRS no_index: directory: - inc - t requires: Crypt::Password: 0.05 Moose: 0.54 MooseX::Method::Signatures: 0 MooseX::Timestamp: 0 PRANG: 0.09 Regexp::Common: 0 resources: license: http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php version: 0.03