ImageMagick-Iterator version 0.01

These modules add iteration support to Image::Magick.  This means that
if you have a stream of concatenated images, you can access each image
in the stream as an independent Image::Magick object.

Iteration functionality is not present in Image::Magick itself as of
version 5.56.  Passing a stream of concatenated images would result in
essentially a "stack" of images which would all be manipulated in
parallel by any Image::Magick calls.  Calls to Write() either output
an animated series of image (a la animated GIFs), or the first image in
the series.

Image::Magick::Iterator is extensible to support many different
image filetypes.  Currently only PPM support is implemented.  To iterate
over a PPM stream, the code would look something like:

  my $iter = Image::Magick::Iterator->new();

  #assume PPM stream is coming from STDIN;

  #explicitly set format to PPM, there is no auto-detection built in

  while(my $image = $iter->next){
    print $image->Get('height'),"\n"; #access height attribute of each
                                      #Image::Magick object


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  Image::Magick 5.56
  Image::PBMlib 1.05


Copyright (C) 2004 by Allen Day,

This library is released under GPL, the GNU General Public License