diff -rc perl5.005_03.dist/patchlevel.h perl5.005_03/patchlevel.h
*** perl5.005_03.dist/patchlevel.h	Sun Mar 28 19:11:58 1999
--- perl5.005_03/patchlevel.h	Tue Aug  8 03:06:39 2000
*** 40,45 ****
--- 40,46 ----
  static	char	*local_patches[] = {
+ 	,"SUIDMAIL - fixes for suidperl security"
diff -rc perl5.005_03.dist/perl.c perl5.005_03/perl.c
*** perl5.005_03.dist/perl.c	Sat Mar 27 19:49:17 1999
--- perl5.005_03/perl.c	Mon Aug  7 20:57:45 2000
*** 2220,2235 ****
  	    if (tmpstatbuf.st_dev != PL_statbuf.st_dev ||
  		tmpstatbuf.st_ino != PL_statbuf.st_ino) {
- 		if (PL_rsfp = PerlProc_popen("/bin/mail root","w")) {	/* heh, heh */
- 		    PerlIO_printf(PL_rsfp,
- "User %ld tried to run dev %ld ino %ld in place of dev %ld ino %ld!\n\
- (Filename of set-id script was %s, uid %ld gid %ld.)\n\nSincerely,\nperl\n",
- 			(long)PL_uid,(long)tmpstatbuf.st_dev, (long)tmpstatbuf.st_ino,
- 			(long)PL_statbuf.st_dev, (long)PL_statbuf.st_ino,
- 			SvPVX(GvSV(PL_curcop->cop_filegv)),
- 			(long)PL_statbuf.st_uid, (long)PL_statbuf.st_gid);
- 		    (void)PerlProc_pclose(PL_rsfp);
- 		}
  		croak("Permission denied\n");
  	    if (
--- 2220,2225 ----